Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Two little girls are VERY curious about posting.

The girls are home today because it's a snow day and the day care is closed, which means I'm home with them too. We are having lots of fun with the dollhouse and they're doing plays for me. They wanted to see how my blog works, so we're posting this little message about our day.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

New Haven Fleece

Nope, not dead yet. A bit bedraggled and most of my mind is now kept artificially alive in BerrEgads (all my computers have always been named [something] Egads since I was 18 - don't ask), but definitely not dead. I sent off an article I wrote that now holds the title of First Article Ever Submitted By Me. I submitted it to Fostering Families Today on 1/17. I still haven't heard back but that's ok. The hard part is over.

So I'm working on a sweater for one of the kidlets. It's called a New Haven Fleece. Since I seem to be reduced to blogging only at work, the crappy photo is from BerrEgads. That's what you get when you're reliant on flourescent lighting. I'm working on one of the sleeves right now.

It's pink and purple, in case you can't tell. Most people with eyes can't. It's a pretty bad picture.

The kidlets are settling in and keeping us on our toes. Most of our friends and family figure us for dead by this point since we've lost all contact with people outside of daycare and school. Rest assured we will re-enter the land of the living soon. We have a respite scheduled this weekend and the hubby and I get two whole days to ourselves. The mind reels. I hope to pop out of the vacuum we've created and perhaps enjoy a dinner that does not include anybody sneezing directly into my ear or worrying about the repercussions of two children gone wild on a wicked sugar buzz from dessert. Wish us luck.

Friday, January 11, 2008

I am GEEKING out. Ask me about my new Crackberry.

Ohhh yeah. Bloggin' from my Blackberry. Slow but oh so geeklicious. Feel the geek. BE the geek.

Friday, January 4, 2008


The girls are coming for a respite overnight this Saturday, and then will move in next Saturday. We are so excited! I am taking Monday off to go over paperwork with the department and to schedule daycare, buses, school, appointments, etc. I will have a phone glued to my head the better part of the day, and zip around town in the Vibe for the rest of it.

Tonight is my monthly Stitch 'n Bitch with the ladies. We skipped December so I'm really looking forward to it. I am working on two fluffy novelty yarn scarves for the girls, one purple and one pink. After 1.5 hours the purple one is a few minutes away from being done, and I'll get the pink one finished tonight at the SnB, I'm sure. I wanted to get feather boas or maribu boas, but they are expensive! I ended up just getting some fun fuzzy novelty yarn for $4 and I can just make both "boas", and in the colors I like.

Well, off to SnB!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy New Year!

The not-yet-felted giant slippers I gave to my family-in-law members felted up beautifully, according to their happy new owners. I was worried; I hadn't done a trial run with a pair due to quite painful time restrictions, so that was good news.

Richard and I are very excited about our foster girls moving in by the end of January. Child A is 6 and Child B is 5. They will probably be a longer term placement, meaning possibly 6-12+ months. They will be staying in what used to be the guest bedroom, which was wall-to-wall wolves. Pictures, figurines, books, and even a carved eggshell wolf lived in there.

The wolves have been evicted and the cappuccino-colored walls have been repainted a cheerful, creamy orange. Green and pink flowers are stamped along the top in a whimsical border, with some tumbling down the walls. A beautiful new oak bunk bed has replaced the queen bed and sports cheerful pink comforters and big fluffy pillows in stripey pillowcases. My old hope chest has been filled with toys, and a Ryan's Room Dollhouse sits in the corner. Richard and I made a 4' x 4' black chalkboard and now it's hanging on the wall with colored and white chalks lined up in the routered tray. "Welcome [Child A] & [Child B]!" and flowers (Richard made those - how cute is that?) will greet our two little guests.

Waiting, waiting....