He was in an episode last year too, but he only got about 3 seconds of camera time. This time, he had about 7 appearances. He was even shoveling the living room in one shot. (In another shot, he bent over, butt to camera. I *loved* it! He has the cutest butt! Don't tell him I told you that.)
The head organizer on the episode is Geralin Thomas, who's always been one of my favorite organizers on the show. Here's she and Richard at the hoarder's house in June:
How cute is she?? And Richard says she's a sweetheart in person too. Of course, all women just instantly love Richard, so he sees them at their best.
He's my sweetie, and he's famous. And I get to shag him.
Wowzer! That is awesome and hilarious! My husband (also a Richard who women love) and I watch that show all the time. I always go wash the dishes right after. I'm going to pay attention and look for him now!
Oh my gosh, it's Gwen! How the heck are you?! I am so excited and happy that you are following my blog again. It only took me 3 years to get back to it. Yes, Richard and I started a professional organizing business in 2008 so it is always an adventure with new clients! Working with Hoarders has been incredibly so, and I looove hearing his stories when he comes home. I still work my 8-5 computer programmer job, he is the organizer. Well thanks so much for commenting, chat again soon! :)
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