Friday, January 4, 2008


The girls are coming for a respite overnight this Saturday, and then will move in next Saturday. We are so excited! I am taking Monday off to go over paperwork with the department and to schedule daycare, buses, school, appointments, etc. I will have a phone glued to my head the better part of the day, and zip around town in the Vibe for the rest of it.

Tonight is my monthly Stitch 'n Bitch with the ladies. We skipped December so I'm really looking forward to it. I am working on two fluffy novelty yarn scarves for the girls, one purple and one pink. After 1.5 hours the purple one is a few minutes away from being done, and I'll get the pink one finished tonight at the SnB, I'm sure. I wanted to get feather boas or maribu boas, but they are expensive! I ended up just getting some fun fuzzy novelty yarn for $4 and I can just make both "boas", and in the colors I like.

Well, off to SnB!

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